Rabu, 13 Juni 2012

Welcome to the World little Emmalise!

This is her birth story.

last belly shot :-) 

Scheduled c-sections are so strange, and yet so cool. You wake up knowing that in just a few hours, you will be holding your precious new baby.  On May 7th, that is just what I did. I woke up, got ready, kissed my two babies that I was leaving behind, and left for the hospital to meet my second baby girl! I was so excited, and nervous.  It is major surgery so its a little scary, but I was so ready- except for one small detail- we still hadn't decided our baby's name!

We had narrowed it down, but were still debating. So as we checked in at Sharp Mary Birch, Sean and I continued the conversation.  It was so strange being back there and we kept commenting on how we were literally just here a year ago having Claire. Crazy!! We never would have expected we would be back so soon!! 
We literally decided her name right before they wheeled me back into the operating room. At that point I wasn't even sure how I would spell her name, but I knew I loved it and I knew it would be perfect for our little girl. 

This being my 3rd c-section, I pretty much knew what to expect, but when the doctors started cutting (sorry for the TMI) I could really feel it. Not excruciating pain like you would be in if you had no spinal tap, but I could feel more than I should. I tried to not think about it, but it reminded me of cutting chicken with my kitchen sheers. It was quite disturbing and very uncomfortable.   Then finally: A cry!

Emmalise Kathleen Bradford was born!

While they were stitching me back together I was in such pain, the anestisiologist added some more pain meds into my IV, but it was pretty bad.  I kept trying to just focus on the baby and watch as the nurse cleaned her up and weighed her.  I asked Sean if she looked like him or like me (she was our tie breaker since Jack favors me and Claire is a clone of him), he said she looked like him, but then I got to really see her and she looked exactly like Jack as a newborn.  It was unbelievable. A tiny, petite, girly version of Jack. She was perfect and precious and I could not wait to hold her!

Once we were in the recovery area, the feeling in my legs began returning very quickly. I could already wiggle my right foot, which took about 2 hours last time.  I definitely didn't have enough anesthetic, but I survived, so it was fine.

Our precious Emmalise weighed 6 pounds 4 ounces and was
 17.75 inches long!

She is such a little miracle. It is so incredible and indescribable to have had this tiny person in my belly just moments before. 

We are so thankful to the Lord for a healthy baby girl, and for a good, safe delivery! Praise Him!

That afternoon, Sean's parents brought Jack and Claire to the hospital to meet their new baby sister! Claire wasn't quite sure what to think, but after she walked around and explored the room a little bit, she was quite happy- but still not sure she wanted anything to do with me or the baby. Jack on the other hand was so excited and soo sweet.  He kept saying how tiny she is, and how precious.  I love both of them so much and it is so incredible to see this third little person who I already love just as much!

Bradford party of 5!
my girls :-)

I stayed in the hospital longer than I had expected, but after three nights, I was ready to head home! 

Welcome to the world little Emmalise! And welcome to our family! You are so loved already, but us and by the Lord. You are a precious treasure. I pray that you will grow to love the God who so lovingly and perfectly created you; knit you together in my womb; who saw you in that secret place; who knows you and loves you with an everlasting love.
You are His precious creation. Thank you Lord for entrusting this beautiful little girl to us. Give us wisdom, knowledge, understanding, faith and instruction as we teach her and love her. What an awesome responsibility. Thank you Jesus. 

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